14 September 2011

HerbanLuxe Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating and making it so much exciting! 

After 456 entries we now have a winner and this is entry No. 263 Diana!
Congratulations, Diana! 

The great news is that Myra has prepared an additional small surprise in your prize package, so get ready for more!

There is something enchanting about September, don't you think? School starts and brings autumn with it, nature enters into a transition filled with soft and warm colors, people get to pick the last herbs and maybe find a way to store them for winter.

With our current giveaway we are giving you a chance to get even closer to nature and herbs. This week Myra of HerbanLuxe is giving one lucky Kanelstrand Organic Living reader a set of natural beauty cosmetics, worth $50!

Myra has been crafting makeup for quite some time but about 10 years ago her hobby turned into a business. In 2007, she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show as a finalist in her search for the next big idea. In 2009 she sold her business and in 2011 we find her on Etsy, catering to earth-friendly shoppers who appreciate handmade.

Myra makes all her products by hand using no preservatives or alternative preservative when required, no-frills packaging, and only the best ingredients. She buys the ingredients from suppliers who do not engage in animal testing. All her products are tested on real women.

If you want to win all the items featured in the photo above, just follow the Rafflecopter widget step by step and you're done!

In bold are the mandatory entries you have to complete in order to enter this giveaway. To increase your chances of winning, go ahead and complete all of them! No need to post any comments. Just make sure you leave your email/etsy/twitter/facebook account every time you are prompted! 


  1. The 'following' link isn't working for me?

  2. Sorry Laurie, the link is now ok!

  3. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  4. What a lovely giveaway and her shop is fabulous!!

  5. fb shared and blogged linked about it . this is by far the best giveaway I have seen on your blog ! Big Thumbs up , thank you for the chance . yay

  6. Thank you!

    Myra's line is outstanding and one cannot stay indifferent to her approach and creations.

  7. I LOVE Myra's line...what a fantastic giveaway!!

  8. so fabulous! thanks so much to both of you!

  9. Entered! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  10. I can't follow Myra's blog as it says it is under construction. I will try to come back and try again.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    goldiez at hotmail dot com

  11. I am not able to GFC follow either but i want to..thanks!!

    cyclona66 at aol dot com

  12. I cannot follow via GFC!
    =/ I wish I could <3


  13. forgot to leave my etsy name for "heart"-ing the shop
    tannis_z at excite dot com

  14. I can't figure out how to follow Myra's blog!


  15. Many thanks to you and Myra for offering such a wonderful giveaway.

  16. Um, the GFC button isn't even showing for me... am I missing something?

  17. Angie, if you are talking about this blog, try reloading the page. The GFC widget is right under the sponsors section in the right sidebar. If you mean Myra's blog, you can subscribe to it via RSS.

  18. Angie, if you are talking about this blog, try reloading the page. The GFC widget is right under the sponsors section in the right sidebar. If you mean Myra's blog, you can subscribe to it via RSS.

  19. Thanks so much! I am so excited to receive this!

  20. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Got this in the mail today:) I am a happy girl.

  21. Diana, your excitement took over me as well! I am so happy that you are happy :) Knowing what a perfectionist Myra is, I am sure you will be extremely satisfied with all her products!
